Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery “Blepharoplasty”

Your eyes are often the first thing people notice about your face and are an important aspect of facial attractiveness. The eyelids protect one’s eyes in addition to adding to their cosmetic appearance. Unfortunately, over time your upper and/or lower eyelids may become “droopy” or “baggy” because the eyelid skin stretches, muscles weaken, and fat pockets bulge and become more prominent around the eyes. This most commonly occurs because of the aging process but also may be a hereditary condition that runs in your family. Your eyebrows also may sag or droop as part of this same process.
Aesthetically, such conditions may detract from the overall attractiveness of one’s eyes and cause a “tired” or older appearance. When severe, these conditions also may cause functional problems, such as impaired field of vision (baggy upper eyelids) or difficulty wearing glasses (baggy lower eyelids).
Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery to improve the appearance of the eyelids is terms “blepharoplasty.” Blepharoplasty (see figure 1) surgery is usually an outpatient procedure performed under local anesthesia in Dr. Carey’s own state of the art operating room. This procedure on the upper lids can serve to lift the eyelids and reduce frown lines. Lower lid bags can be treated without a skin incision by approaching the fat through the under surface of the eyelid — an approach called transconjunctival. There are many ways to reduce the wrinkles of the lower lid if they exist — a chemical peel, Laser resurfacing, or a direct skin incision. This decision is tailored to the individual patient.